Rules & Regulations
Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Students who are not in proper uniform will not be allowed to enter their classrooms .
Uniforms as prescribed has to be worn on all working days.
Identity card has to be worn daily to school.
The students found in improper or untidy uniform will be sent back home.
Boys are strictly not allowed to sport long hair.
Girls with long hair have to make two plaits, girls with short hair to use a black hair band. No other colour band except black will be allowed.
Application of nail polish or mehndi is strictly prohibited.
Application of religious tikka or bindi with school uniform is strictly prohibited.
Students are prohibited from bringing any publication, reference books, Electronic Devices, including mobile phones, cameras , i-pods, i-pads, Tablets and secondary storage devices (CDs, DVDs, pen drives, portable HDD, micro SD cards, etc.), not relevant to academic pursuits. Violation may result in suspension and / or levying of heavy fine in addition to confiscation of the items.
It is mandatory for students to be regular to school. 85% attendance in each month is compulsory else the student's name would be struck off.
Parents are requested to avail school bus facility for transportation of their wards. Students who come to school by their own transport, should arrive at school before the start of the Assembly.
Parents are urged to inculcate punctuality in their ward(s). They must be sent to school on time (refer to page…..). If late, they will be allowed to attend classes but marked absent on rolls (remark will be written in the Almanac).
The bell before the assembly is a signal for the students to go for the assembly. As soon as they are back in their classes, the students should get their books ready for the first period. They should maintain perfect discipline. If there is a necessity of change of classrooms between periods, it should be done in silence and in an orderly manner. 14. Students are expected to behave in a righteous manner. Misconduct, use of abusive language or violence of any kind would lead to suspension of the student.
The bell before the assembly is a signal for the students to go for the assembly. As soon as they are back in their classes, the students should get their books ready for the first period. They should maintain perfect discipline. If there is a necessity of change of classrooms between periods, it should be done in silence and in an orderly manner. 14. Students are expected to behave in a righteous manner. Misconduct, use of abusive language or violence of any kind would lead to suspension of the student. Shouting or whistling in or around the school building and throwing of anything at anyone is strictly forbidden.
The use of unfair means in examinations, test will entail the annulment of the pupil's result.
Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the receptionist. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
Discipline must be maintained at all times running, loitering, disruptive behavior screaming in the school premises will be penalized.
Tiffin and water bottle to be sent to school along with the students, no tiffin boxes will be accepted during school hours owing to security reasons if parents do not inform the school office before the break.
Bringing expensive stationery (pens, pencils fancy pencil boxes, etc) to school is strictly forbidden. Such items will be confiscated. Heavy fine will be levied on those found in possession apart from being suspended from school.
Students are not allowed to go to a relative/friend's house from school. School will not be responsible if any student does so.
In case of health issues, fever or any other medical condition, the student should not be sent to school. 22. No birthday gifts in any form are allowed. Distribution of any gifts in the school is prohibited. Students need to wear school uniform even on their birthday.
Students are expected to carry books and notebooks in strict accordance with the time table and refrain from bringing unnecessary material to school.
In the interest of their own security, students are advised not to buy or receive any articles, gifts or food stuff from anyone at all en route.
Bicycles must be locked. Students must not ride around on the school compound on bicycles. Students are warned not to buy anything from the street vendors.
Leave for 1/2 day should not be asked for security reasons. On emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal and the class teacher and the transport in-charge should be informed accordingly. Students will be handed over to the parents only. Anyone who comes to collect the student must carry the parent card or in case of any difficulty, they may be handed over to the guardian only after he/she submits an authorization letter from the parent.
Children, when sick, should not be sent to school to attend tests/ classes. 5. Children must avoid going home during school hours.
Parents are requested to avoid making any social engagements or medical appointments during school working hours.