“Vidya Jeevanam Jyoti,” Knowledge is the Light of Life. It reflects the qualities and characteristics that are central to our mission.
Attain Global benchmarks of educational excellence. Foster a culture of continuous learning among individuals. Cultivate compassionate and responsible members of society.
– Foster a caring environment that caters to each child’s unique needs for their overall growth. – Encourage self- esteem and stimulate creativity in children. – Provide a supportive space to help children realize their potential as active, responsible members of society.
We aim to instill a strong philosophy in students that focuses on humanistic values. We also work hard to constantly enhance the quality of our education to better serve the needs of our stakeholders and the community.
We, the students of RPY Global School, promise to uphold the tradition, values and principles of this esteemed institution, we are associated with. We will become useful members of our school, society and our beloved country. We, therefore, solemnly resolve to abide by all the rules and regulations laid down by our school. Jai Hind !
Hard work (body); Humility (soul); Originality (mind); in short we call it as H₂O of our school.