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School Uniform

  /  School Uniform

School Uniform

Students coming to school smartly attired enhance their personality, self confidence and self-esteem. The School is very particular that students should turn out smartly dressed in ‘School Uniform’ as per the school uniform code and the same to be purchased from the store prescribed by the school. Parents are requested to contact the school office in case of any confusion before they buy the uniform items

The scarf or the mufflers used by the students during winter must be only of navy blue colour.

The students are not allowed to use caps in the school.

The students should wear the usual summer or winter uniform (as applicable) during the period of examinations. Uniform defaulters will be penalized.

Students must procure new pairs of uniform at the beginning of every Academic Year if the uniform is not in good condition and ensure that they are well-maintained throughout the Year

Quality and design of the uniform must strictly conform to as prescribed.

Students must have regular hair cut & not grow side locks/side burns.

Students must come to school in clean well-ironed prescribed uniform and with Identity Card & school almanac on all working days including PTM and school trips.

Slippers, sandals or shoes other than the pattern recommended by the school will not be allowed.

Nails should be clean and neatly trimmed.

Girls must wear black tights over normal under garment

A simple wrist watch may be worn by students from class V onwards. Any fancy item carried/worn by the students will be confiscated.

Students must wear their identity card daily and carry the school bag with the school logo.

A duplicate identity card will be issued on payment of Rs.100/-